
Astral Body
Where do you feel “being there”? The body of a life? The shape of a body? When you feel an “atmosphere” without a body, is there something? If so, the true nature of a life is not the body. It might depend on something that makes you feel a sing.
According to such an assumption, we set up this work for comparing in the same space a dead body and a dead matter with artificial signs captured from an alive body.
We set a “Crab” as a motif of a virtual fifth form, “Astral Body” which is a subtle body posited by philosophers, intermediate between an intelligent soul and a mental body, because crabs are changing their shapes of the body as they grow and iron sand looks like their living field.
“Brooks’s Juice” is the last missing drop for Alife (Artificial Life). In this work, we try to find out “being there” by adding the signs to a dead matter as Brooks’s Juice. A body that once lived and a dead matter that moves just like a living one. When you see both, where do you feel sing of life then?
Created: 2018